In an anecdotal back-story to the game, Haggar once fought Lucky Colt (the character known as Gunloc in the English versions) for trying to hit on Jessica (which happened before she began dating her childhood friend Cody in Final Fight). Although the international versions of the Slam Masters games established the series to be set after the events of Final Fight, the Japanese versions (titled Muscle Bomber) actually established the series as a prequel to the events of Final Fight, with Haggar beginning his campaign for Mayor. In the Slam Masters series of wrestling games, Jessica, who is 18 years old at the time and is known by her wrestling valet nickname of 'Pretty Doll', appears whenever Mike 'Macho' Haggar wins a match, walking up to the ring to celebrate with her father. In her appearance in the Street Fighter cartoon, her dress is purple, instead of red. She also appears to wear a black bracelet around her left wrist and is carrying a red purse. She has a black sash around her waist, and her high heels are black. artwork of her, though, her dress is shorter and appears to have a halter neckline. She is often depicted with a strapless red dress that has a sweetheart neckline and matching high heels. Jessica is a young woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes.
2.2 Final Fight and Street Fighter series.